WhintPy 1.1


Module whintpy.config

Class TypesDealer


Deal with types.

Provide various functionalities for type conversion, validation, and data parsing.

This class is especially useful for applications that require strict type checking and data manipulation.


  • Type Validation: Verify the types of given arguments against expected types.
  • Type Casting: Cast values to specified types with support for complex data structures and custom formats.
  • Data Parsing: Transform string data into structured lists or tuples.
  • Data Serialization: Convert lists or tuples into a concatenated string format.
  • Type Retrievalidation: Get the types of elements within a data structure.

Public functions


Get the instance of the type mapping.

It can be used to add new types to the mapping.

 >>> # Add a new type to the mapping
 >>> type_mapping = TypesDealer.get_instance_type_mapping()
 >>> # Add upper type to the mapping
 >>> type_mapping.add_type('upper', lambda x: x.upper())
 >>> # Cast a string to upper case
 >>> TypesDealer.cast_types("hello", upper)
 >>> output: "HELLO"
  • (TypeMapping) instance of the type mapping
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def get_instance_type_mapping():
    """Get the instance of the type mapping.

        It can be used to add new types to the mapping.

        >>> # Add a new type to the mapping
        >>> type_mapping = TypesDealer.get_instance_type_mapping()
        >>> # Add upper type to the mapping
        >>> type_mapping.add_type('upper', lambda x: x.upper())
        >>> # Cast a string to upper case
        >>> TypesDealer.cast_types("hello", upper)
        >>> output: "HELLO"

        :return: (TypeMapping) instance of the type mapping

    return TypesDealer.__TYPE_MAPPING


Check the given args with their expected types.

If the types are correct, the function returns None and no error is raised.

 >>> TypesDealer.check_types("cool_function", [(2, int), ("description", str), (True, (bool, str)),]
 >>> TypesDealer.check_types("cool_function", [(bool, bool),])
 >>> TypesDealer.check_types("example_function", [(2, int), ("hello", str)])
  • function: (str) Name of the function where the check is done
  • arg_types: (list) List of tuples containing the value(s) and its expected type(s)
  • TypeError: If the example does not match the expected type(s).
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def check_types(function: str, arg_types: list) -> None:
    """Check the given args with their expected types.

        If the types are correct, the function returns None and no error is raised.

        >>> TypesDealer.check_types("cool_function", [(2, int), ("description", str), (True, (bool, str)),]
        >>> TypesDealer.check_types("cool_function", [(bool, bool),])
        >>> TypesDealer.check_types("example_function", [(2, int), ("hello", str)])

        :param function: (str) Name of the function where the check is done
        :param arg_types: (list) List of tuples containing the value(s) and its expected type(s)
        :raises: TypeError: If the example does not match the expected type(s).

    if isinstance(function, str) is False:
        raise TypeError(f'TypesDealer.check_types exception: function must be a string got {type(function)} instead')
    if isinstance(arg_types, list) is False:
        raise TypeError(f'TypesDealer.check_types exception: arg_types must be a list, got {type(arg_types)} instead')
    for arg, expected_types in arg_types:
        if isinstance(expected_types, tuple) is False:
            expected_types = (expected_types,)
        if isinstance(arg, type) is True:
            if arg not in expected_types and type not in expected_types:
                raise TypeError(f'{function} exception: {arg} is not of type {expected_types}')
        elif isinstance(arg, expected_types) is False:
            raise TypeError(f'{function} exception: {arg} is not of type {expected_types}')


Cast the arguments to the expected types.

 >>> # Cast a string to a datetime object (for a specific format,
 >>> # the type must be passed in a keyword argument)
 >>> TypesDealer.cast_types("24-07-2004", datetime, format="%d-%m-%Y")
 > "24-07-2004"
 >>> # Using a default format
 >>> TypesDealer.cast_types("2004-07-24", datetime)
 > "2004-07-24"
 >>> # Cast a string to an int
 >>> TypesDealer.cast_types("24", int)
 > 24
  • value: The value to cast
  • expected_type: The expected type
  • The value cast to the expected type
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def cast_types(value, expected_type, **kwargs):
    """Cast the arguments to the expected types.

        >>> # Cast a string to a datetime object (for a specific format,
        >>> # the type must be passed in a keyword argument)
        >>> TypesDealer.cast_types("24-07-2004", datetime, format="%d-%m-%Y")
        >>> # Using a default format
        >>> TypesDealer.cast_types("2004-07-24", datetime)
        >>> # Cast a string to an int
        >>> TypesDealer.cast_types("24", int)

        :param value: The value to cast
        :param expected_type: The expected type
        :return: The value cast to the expected type

    allowed_kwargs = {'format'}
    if set(kwargs).issubset(allowed_kwargs) is False:
        raise ValueError(f'TypesDealer.cast_types exception: Invalid keyword argument(s), got {type(kwargs)}.')
    TypesDealer.check_types('TypesDealer.cast_types', [(expected_type, (type, str))])
    date_format = None
    if kwargs.get('format') is not None:
        date_format = kwargs.get('format')
    if isinstance(expected_type, str) is True:
        conversion_function = TypesDealer.__TYPE_MAPPING.get_type(expected_type, date_format)
        conversion_function = TypesDealer.__TYPE_MAPPING.get_type(expected_type.__name__, date_format)
    if conversion_function:
        return conversion_function(value)
    raise TypeError(f'TypesDealer.cast_types exception: {expected_type} is not a valid type')


Parse a string of data into a list or a tuple of elements (list by default).

 >>> TypesDealer.parse_data("a-b-c-d-e", "-", tuple)
 > ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e')
 >>> TypesDealer.parse_data("1,2,3,4,5", ",")
 > ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']
  • data: The data to parse
  • separator: (str) The separator
  • typetoparse: The type to parse the data to(list by default)
  • The parsed data
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def parse_data(data, separator: str, type_to_parse: type(list) | type(tuple)=list):
    """Parse a string of data into a list or a tuple of elements (list by default).

        >>> TypesDealer.parse_data("a-b-c-d-e", "-", tuple)
        ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e')
        >>> TypesDealer.parse_data("1,2,3,4,5", ",")
        ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']

        :param data: The data to parse
        :param separator: (str) The separator
        :param type_to_parse: The type to parse the data to (list by default)
        :return: The parsed data

    TypesDealer.check_types('TypesDealer.parse_data', [(data, str), (separator, str), (type_to_parse, (tuple, list))])
    if separator is None:
        raise TypeError('TypesDealer.parse_data exception: separator cannot be None')
    if separator == '':
        raise ValueError('TypesDealer.parse_data exception: separator cannot be an empty string')
    if data == '':
        if type_to_parse == list:
            return []
        return ()
    data = data.split(separator)
    if type_to_parse == tuple:
        return tuple(data)
    return data


Serialize a list or a tuple of elements into a string of data.

 >>> TypesDealer.serialize_data(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'], "-")
 > "a-b-c-d-e"
 >>> TypesDealer.serialize_data(('1', '2', '3', '4', '5'), ",")
 > "1,2,3,4,5"
  • data: The data to serialize
  • separator: The separator
  • The serialized data
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def serialize_data(data, separator):
    """Serialize a list or a tuple of elements into a string of data.

        >>> TypesDealer.serialize_data(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'], "-")
        >>> TypesDealer.serialize_data(('1', '2', '3', '4', '5'), ",")

        :param data: The data to serialize
        :param separator: The separator
        :return: The serialized data

    TypesDealer.check_types('TypesDealer.serialize_data', [(data, (list, tuple)), (separator, str)])
    if separator is None:
        raise TypeError('TypesDealer.serialize_data exception: separator cannot be None')
    if separator == '':
        raise ValueError('TypesDealer.serialize_data exception: separator cannot be an empty string')
    data = [TypesDealer.cast_types(elm, str) for elm in data]
    return separator.join(data)


Return the types of the elements in parameter "data".

 >>> TypesDealer.get_types([1, "a", True, 2.0])
 > {1: class<'int'>, 'a': class<'str'>, True: class<'bool'>, 2.0: class<'float'>}
 >>> TypesDealer.get_types(1)
 > {1: class<'int'>}
  • data: The data to get the types from.
  • (dict) types of the elements in the data
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def get_types(data):
    """Return the types of the elements in parameter "data".

        >>> TypesDealer.get_types([1, "a", True, 2.0])
        {1: class<'int'>, 'a': class<'str'>, True: class<'bool'>, 2.0: class<'float'>}
        >>> TypesDealer.get_types(1)
        {1: class<'int'>}

        :param data: The data to get the types from.
        :return: (dict) types of the elements in the data

    if isinstance(data, (list, tuple)) is False:
        return type(data)
    return {elm: type(elm) for elm in data}


Remove invalid characters from a string.

 >>> # Remove "," and "!" from the string
 >>> TypesDealer.clear_string("hello, world!", ",!")
 > "hello world"
 >>> # Remove invalid characters from a string
 >>> invalid_chars = "!@#$%^&*()_+"
 >>> TypesDealer.clear_string("hello !@#$%^&*()_+ world", invalid_chars)
 > "hello  world"
  • entry: (str) The string to clean
  • invalid_characters: (str) The characters to remove
  • (str) The cleaned string
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def clear_string(entry: str, invalid_characters: str) -> str:
    """Remove invalid characters from a string.

        >>> # Remove "," and "!" from the string
        >>> TypesDealer.clear_string("hello, world!", ",!")
        "hello world"
        >>> # Remove invalid characters from a string
        >>> invalid_chars = "!@#$%^&*()_+"
        >>> TypesDealer.clear_string("hello !@#$%^&*()_+ world", invalid_chars)
        "hello  world"

        :param entry: (str) The string to clean
        :param invalid_characters: (str) The characters to remove
        :return: (str) The cleaned string

    TypesDealer.check_types('TypesDealer.clear_string', [(entry, str), (invalid_characters, str)])
    return ''.join([char for char in entry if char not in invalid_characters])


Strip the string: remove multiple whitespace, tab, and CR/LF.

 >>> TypesDealer.strip_string("hello    world ")
 > "hello world"
 >>> # Unicode BOM and other zero-width characters
 >>> print(TypesDealer.strip_string("Hello World"))
 > "Hello World"
  • entry: (str) The string to strip
  • (str) The stripped string
  • TypeError: if the entry is not a string
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def strip_string(entry: str) -> str:
    """Strip the string: remove multiple whitespace, tab, and CR/LF.

        >>> TypesDealer.strip_string("hello    world ")
        "hello world"
        >>> # Unicode BOM and other zero-width characters
        >>> print(TypesDealer.strip_string("\ufeffHello World"))
        "Hello World"

        :param entry: (str) The string to strip
        :return: (str) The stripped string
        :raises: TypeError: if the entry is not a string

    TypesDealer.check_types('TypesDealer.strip_string', [(entry, str)])
    entry = re.sub('[\\s\\u200B]+', ' ', entry)
    entry = entry.strip()
    entry = entry.replace('\ufeff', '')
    entry = re.sub('[\\s]+', ' ', entry).strip()
    return entry


Strip and replace whitespace by a character.

 >>> TypesDealer.clear_whitespace("hello    world")
 > "hello_world"
  • entry: (str) The string to clear whitespace from
  • separator: (str) The character to replace whitespace with
  • TypeError: if the entry is not a string
  • (str) The string with whitespace replaced by underscores
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def clear_whitespace(entry: str, separator: str='_') -> str:
    """Strip and replace whitespace by a character.

        >>> TypesDealer.clear_whitespace("hello    world")

        :param entry: (str) The string to clear whitespace from
        :param separator: (str) The character to replace whitespace with
        :raises: TypeError: if the entry is not a string
        :return: (str) The string with whitespace replaced by underscores

    TypesDealer.check_types('TypesDealer.clear_whitespace', [(entry, str)])
    e = TypesDealer.strip_string(entry)
    e = re.sub('\\s', separator, e)
    return e


Replace the non-ASCII characters by underscores.

 >>> # with diacritics
 >>> TypesDealer.to_ascii("Café Münster—☆")
 > "Caf_ M_nster__"
 >>> # With emojis
 >>> print(TypesDealer.to_ascii("😊🎉🚀"))
 > "___"
  • entry: (str) The entry to process
  • TypeError: if the entry is not a string
  • (str) The entry with non-ASCII characters replaced by underscores
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def to_ascii(entry: str) -> str:
    """Replace the non-ASCII characters by underscores.

        >>> # with diacritics
        >>> TypesDealer.to_ascii("Café Münster—☆")
        "Caf_ M_nster__"
        >>> # With emojis
        >>> print(TypesDealer.to_ascii("😊🎉🚀"))

        :param entry: (str) The entry to process
        :raises: TypeError: if the entry is not a string
        :return: (str) The entry with non-ASCII characters replaced by underscores

    TypesDealer.check_types('TypesDealer.to_ascii', [(entry, str)])
    for char in entry:
        if ord(char) > 127:
            entry = entry.replace(char, '_')
    return entry


Check if the entry key is using only a-Z0-9 characters.

 >>> TypesDealer.is_restricted_ascii("hello_world")
 > True
 >>> TypesDealer.is_restricted_ascii("hello world")
 > False
 >>> # With emojis
 >>> print((TypesDealer.is_restricted_ascii("😊🎉🚀")))
 > False
  • entry: (str) The entry to check
  • TypeError: if the entry is not a string
  • (bool) True if the entry key is using only a-Z0-9 characters, False otherwise
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def is_restricted_ascii(entry: str) -> bool:
    """Check if the entry key is using only a-Z0-9 characters.

        >>> TypesDealer.is_restricted_ascii("hello_world")
        >>> TypesDealer.is_restricted_ascii("hello world")
        >>> # With emojis
        >>> print((TypesDealer.is_restricted_ascii("😊🎉🚀")))

        :param entry: (str) The entry to check
        :raises: TypeError: if the entry is not a string
        :return: (bool) True if the entry key is using only a-Z0-9 characters, False otherwise

    TypesDealer.check_types('TypesDealer.is_restricted_ascii', [(entry, str)])
    return re.match('^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$', entry) is not None


Remove the diacritics and non-ASCII characters from a string.

 >>> TypesDealer.remove_diacritics_and_non_ascii("éèàç")
 > "eeca"
 >>> TypesDealer.remove_diacritics_and_non_ascii("São Tomé and Príncipe 日本語")
 > "Sao Tome and Principe"
  • entry: (str) The string to process
  • (str) The string without diacritics and non-ASCII characters
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def remove_diacritics_and_non_ascii(entry: str) -> str:
    """Remove the diacritics and non-ASCII characters from a string.

        >>> TypesDealer.remove_diacritics_and_non_ascii("éèàç")
        >>> TypesDealer.remove_diacritics_and_non_ascii("São Tomé and Príncipe 日本語")
        "Sao Tome and Principe"

        :param entry: (str) The string to process
        :return: (str) The string without diacritics and non-ASCII characters

    TypesDealer.check_types('TypesDealer.remove_diacritics_and_non_ascii', [(entry, str)])
    special_char_map = {'ç': 'c', 'Ç': 'C', 'ø': 'o', 'Ø': 'O', 'œ': 'oe', 'Œ': 'OE', 'ß': 'ss', 'ñ': 'n', 'Ñ': 'N', 'á': 'a', 'Á': 'A', 'à': 'a', 'À': 'A', 'â': 'a', 'Â': 'A', 'ä': 'a', 'Ä': 'A', 'ã': 'a', 'Ã': 'A', 'å': 'a', 'Å': 'A', 'æ': 'ae', 'Æ': 'AE', 'é': 'e', 'É': 'E', 'è': 'e', 'È': 'E', 'ê': 'e', 'Ê': 'E', 'ë': 'e', 'Ë': 'E', 'í': 'i', 'Í': 'I', 'ì': 'i', 'Ì': 'I', 'î': 'i', 'Î': 'I', 'ï': 'i', 'Ï': 'I', 'ó': 'o', 'Ó': 'O', 'ò': 'o', 'Ò': 'O', 'ô': 'o', 'Ô': 'O', 'ö': 'o', 'Ö': 'O', 'õ': 'o', 'Õ': 'O', 'ú': 'u', 'Ú': 'U', 'ù': 'u', 'Ù': 'U', 'û': 'u', 'Û': 'U', 'ü': 'u', 'Ü': 'U', 'ý': 'y', 'Ý': 'Y', 'ÿ': 'y', 'Ÿ': 'Y'}
    entry = ''.join((special_char_map.get(c, c) for c in entry))
    entry = unicodedata.normalize('NFD', entry)
    entry = ''.join((c for c in entry if unicodedata.category(c) != 'Mn'))
    entry = ''.join((c for c in entry if c in string.ascii_letters or c in string.digits or c in string.punctuation or (c in string.whitespace)))
    return entry