WhintPy 1.1


Module whintpy.config

Class WhintPySettings


Manage the configuration settings for the WhintPy library.

This class defines default naming conventions and rules for folders and files, including separators, minimum name lengths, and invalid characters. Once initialized, the settings become immutable, enforcing consistency throughout the application. The class also supports context management, allowing temporary changes using the 'with' statement.


  • FOLDERNAMESEPARATOR (str): Character used to separate parts of a folder name.
  • FIELDSNAMESEPARATOR (str): Character used to separate fields within a folder name.
  • MINFILENAME_LENGTH (int): Minimum length required for a valid file name.
  • INVALIDCHARSFOR_FOLDERS (str): String of characters that are disallowed in folder names.
  • INVALIDCHARSFOR_FIELDS (str): String of characters that are disallowed in file names.
  • DOWNLOADS_FILENAME (str): Default name for the downloads file.
  • DESCRIPTION_FILENAME (str): Default name for the description file.


Initialize the default settings for WhintPy library.

Sets default values for folder and file name separators, as well as restrictions on file name lengths and characters. After initialization, the settings are frozen to prevent modifications unless explicitly unfrozen.

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def __init__(self):
    """Initialize the default settings for WhintPy library.

    Sets default values for folder and file name separators, as well as
    restrictions on file name lengths and characters. After initialization,
    the settings are frozen to prevent modifications unless explicitly

    self.__dict__ = dict(FOLDER_NAME_SEPARATOR='.', FIELDS_NAME_SEPARATOR='_', MIN_FILE_NAME_LENGTH=4, INVALID_CHARS_FOR_FOLDERS='/\\.$@#%&*()[]{}<>:;,?"\'`!^+=|~', INVALID_CHARS_FOR_FIELDS='/$@#%&*()[]{}<>:;,?"\'`!^+=|~', DOWNLOADS_FILENAME='downloads.txt', DESCRIPTION_FILENAME='description.txt')
    self._is_frozen = True

Public functions


Freeze the settings to make them immutable.

Once frozen, any attempt to modify or delete attributes will raise an AttributeError.

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def freeze(self):
    """Freeze the settings to make them immutable.

        Once frozen, any attempt to modify or delete attributes will raise
        an AttributeError.

    super().__setattr__('_is_frozen', True)


Unfreeze the settings, allowing temporary modifications.

This allows attributes to be modified, but should be used with care.

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def unfreeze(self):
    """Unfreeze the settings, allowing temporary modifications.

        This allows attributes to be modified, but should be used with care.

    super().__setattr__('_is_frozen', False)



Override the default behavior to prevent attribute modification when frozen.

  • key: The attribute name.
  • value: The new value to set for the attribute.
  • AttributeError: If the class is frozen and an attempt is made to set an attribute.
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def __setattr__(self, key, value):
    """Override the default behavior to prevent attribute modification when frozen.

        :param key: The attribute name.
        :param value: The new value to set for the attribute.
        :raises: AttributeError: If the class is frozen and an attempt is made to set an attribute.

    if getattr(self, '_is_frozen', False):
        raise AttributeError(f'{self.__class__.__name__} object is immutable')
    super().__setattr__(key, value)


Override the default behavior to prevent deletion of attributes.

  • key: The attribute name.
  • AttributeError: Always raised since attribute deletion is not allowed.
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def __delattr__(self, key):
    """Override the default behavior to prevent deletion of attributes.

        :param key: The attribute name.
        :raises: AttributeError: Always raised since attribute deletion is not allowed.

    raise AttributeError(f'{self.__class__.__name__} object does not allow attribute deletion')


Override to allow the support the 'with' statement.

To be used for temporary settings changes.

  • the object itself for use in 'with' blocks.
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def __enter__(self):
    """Override to allow the support the 'with' statement.

        To be used for temporary settings changes.
        :return: the object itself for use in 'with' blocks.

    return self


Context manager exit method, no specific handling required.

This ensures that when exiting a 'with' block, the settings remain unchanged.

  • exc_type: The exception type.
  • exc_value: The exception value.
  • traceback: The traceback.
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def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
    """Context manager exit method, no specific handling required.

        This ensures that when exiting a 'with' block, the settings remain unchanged.

        :param exc_type: The exception type.
        :param exc_value: The exception value.
        :param traceback: The traceback.



Iterate over the settings attributes.

This allows iterating through all configuration settings, providing access to each key.

  • An iterator over the dictionary keys.
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def __iter__(self):
    """Iterate over the settings attributes.

        This allows iterating through all configuration settings, providing access to each key.

        :return: An iterator over the dictionary keys.

    for item in self.__dict__.keys():
        yield item