WhintPy 1.1


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            a Python library for managing shared files

Copyright (C) 2024 Laboratoire Parole et Langage, Aix-en-Provence, France

WhintPy description


WhintPy is a pure Python-based solution for managing shared files locally or on a web server.

Use case

You have a web server that you want to use as a file server. You want all users in your local network to get access to all files stored in that server via web browser. You then need a web-based file manager allowing any authenticated user to download or upload any file from anywhere via web browser. You want a powerful solution to filter the list of available documents. WhintPy is the server-side of such a tool.


WhintPy is a pure Python, free, open-source, self-hosted library for managing shared files locally or on a web server. It is a lightweight library which aims to allow users to upload, download, delete, and efficiently search files from anywhere without the need for any additional software.

It allows a web-site to deal with:

Main advantages

Install WhintPy

From its pypi:

> python -m pip install WhintPy

From its repo:

Download the latest ".zip" from https://sourceforge.net/projects/whintpy/ and unpack it, or clone the repository with git.

WhintPy package includes the following folders and files:

  1. "whintpy": the source code package
  2. "docs": the documentation of whintpy library in Markdown
  3. "tests": the unit tests of the source code
  4. "sample": an application sample
> # Install from the zip archive:
> unzip WhintPy-xxx.zip 
> # or with git:
> git clone https://git.code.sf.net/p/whakerpy/code whakerpy-code
> # Install both the required external libraries and WintPy in your python environment
> python -m pip install .

Quick start

Create a document manager, add documents, and retrieve those matching some filter criteria by doing the following:

from whintpy.deposit import Document
>>> # Create several doc instances
>>> doc1 = Document("Sarah Connor", "Terminator's target.png", date=date.datetime(1984, 5, 12))
>>> doc2 = Document("T-800", "I'll be back.txt", date=date.datetime(1984, 5, 12))
>>> doc3 = Document("Skynet", "JudgementDay.TXT", date=date.datetime(1997, 8, 29))
>>> doc1.author
>>> doc1.filename
>>> doc3.filetype

Add documents into a document manager:

>>> from whintpy.deposit import DocumentsManager
>>> manager = DocumentsManager("some_docs_path")
>>> manager.add_docs([doc1, doc2, doc3])
>>> # Add one more document directly to the manager
>>> doc4 = manager.add("Dani Ramos", "Dark Fate.txt", description="The Resistance sends Grace, an augmented soldier, back in time to defend Dani, who is also joined by Sarah Connor and Skynet's T-800.")
>>> # Get the most recent -- doc4
>>> most_recent = manager.get_docs_sorted_by_newest()[0]
>>> # Get the oldest -- either doc1 or doc2
>>> oldest = manager.get_docs_sorted_by_oldest()[0]

Retreive documents matching some criteria:

>> > from whintpy.deposit import DocumentsManager
>> >  # Create a document manager and retrieve existing documents
>> > manager = DocumentsManager("some_docs_path")
>> > manager.collect_docs()
>> >  # Get documents of date="1984-5-12" -- doc1 and doc2
>> > _docs = manager.filter(("date", "iexact", [datetime.date(1997, 8, 29)]))
>> >  # Get documents of filetype "txt" -- doc2, doc3 and doc4
>> > _docs = manager.filter(("filetype", "exact", ["txt"]))
>> >  # Get documents of both date="1984-5-12" and of filetype "txt" -- doc2
>> > _docs = manager.filter(("date", "iexact", [datetime.date(1997, 8, 29)], ("filetype", "exact", ["txt"])),

The documents can also have a content - fortunately, a description, etc. They can be filtered with a large amount of criteria which can be combined together. And the API also allows to manage user's authentication to get a controlled access to the documents.

Make the doc

The API documentation is available in the docs folder in Markdown format. HTML format is available on the web at https://whintpy.sourceforge.io.

To generate the documentation files, install the required external programs, then launch the doc generator:

>python -m pip install ".[docs]"
>python makedoc.py

Click the file docs/index.html to browse throw the documented modules and classes.

Help / How to contribute

If you plan to contribute to the code or to report a bug, please send an e-mail to the author. Any and all constructive comments are welcome.


See the accompanying LICENSE and AUTHORS.md files for the full list of contributors.

Copyright (C) 2024 Brigitte Bigi, CNRS Laboratoire Parole et Langage, Aix-en-Provence, France

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.


v1.0 - 2024-06-13

Initial version of WhintPy, a Python library for managing shared files, which includes:

v1.1 - 2024-10-12

Same features as the initial version but with an optimized implementation.

next version


List of packages:


Get documentation


Get documentation


Get documentation


Get documentation