Map the types and how to convert them.
It is used by TypeDealer.cast_types
to cast the types. It allows to
add types and how to convert them in the TypesMapping
Map the types and how to convert them.
It is used by TypeDealer.cast_types
to cast the types. It allows to
add types and how to convert them in the TypesMapping
Initialize the type mapping with the default date format.
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize the type mapping with the default date format.
self.__dict__ = dict(int=int, str=str, bool=lambda x: x.lower() == 'true' if isinstance(x, str) else bool(x), float=float, list=lambda x: [elm for elm in x] if isinstance(x, str) else [int(elm) for elm in str(x)], dict=lambda x: {elm: elm for elm in x} if isinstance(x, str) else {elm: int(elm) for elm in str(x)}, tuple=lambda x: tuple((elm for elm in x)) if isinstance(x, str) else (int(elm) for elm in x), datetime=lambda x, fmt='%Y-%m-%d': datetime.strptime(x, fmt).strftime(fmt), date=lambda x, fmt='%Y-%m-%d': datetime.strptime(x, fmt).date().strftime(fmt))
Get the conversion function for the given type name.
def get_type(self, type_name: type | str, date_format: str | None=None):
"""Get the conversion function for the given type name.
:param type_name: The name of the type
:param date_format: The date format
:raises: TypeError: if the type_name is not a string
:return: The conversion function or None if the type is not found
from .typesdealer import TypesDealer
TypesDealer.check_types('TypeMapping.get_type', [(type_name, (type, str)), (date_format, (str, type(None)))])
if type_name in ['datetime', 'date'] and date_format is not None:
return lambda x: self.__dict__[type_name](x, date_format)
if type_name in self.__dict__:
return self.__dict__[type_name]
return None
Add a conversion function to the type mapping.
def add_conversion(self, type_name: str | type, conversion_function):
"""Add a conversion function to the type mapping.
:param type_name: The name of the type
:param conversion_function: The conversion function
:raises: TypeError: if the type_name is not a string or the conversion_function is not callable
from .typesdealer import TypesDealer
if conversion_function is None:
raise TypeError("TypeMapping.add_conversion 'conversion_function' cannot be None.")
if conversion_function == '':
raise TypeError("TypeMapping.add_conversion 'conversion_function' cannot be an empty string.")
TypesDealer.check_types('TypeMapping.add_conversion', [(type_name, (type, str))])
self.__dict__[type_name] = conversion_function