WhintPy 1.1


Module whintpy.deposit

Class DocumentsManager


Management of a bunch of documents.


Initialize the DocumentsManager.

The given folder is used to collect the documents from and write documents into. It must be a relative path, not an absolute one. The absolute path to this folder is indicated separately.

It must exist.

 >>> manager = DocumentsManager('test_folder')
 >>> manager.collect_docs()
 >>> print(manager.get_docs_sorted_by_newest())
 >>> # Assuming your_document is a document in the folder
 >>> manager.get_doc_content(your_document)
 >>> print(your_document.content)  # The content of the document is printed
 >>> manager.delete(your_document)
 >>> print(manager.get_docs_sorted_by_newest())  # The document is deleted
  • folder_path: (str) The relative path of a folder
  • TypeError: Invalid folder path type
  • FileNotFoundError: The specified folder does not exist at the specified location
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def __init__(self, folder_path: str='.', absolute_path: str=HERE):
    """Initialize the DocumentsManager.

    The given folder is used to collect the documents from and write
    documents into. It must be a relative path, not an absolute one.
    The absolute path to this folder is indicated separately.

    It must exist.

    >>> manager = DocumentsManager('test_folder')
    >>> manager.collect_docs()
    >>> print(manager.get_docs_sorted_by_newest())
    >>> # Assuming your_document is a document in the folder
    >>> manager.get_doc_content(your_document)
    >>> print(your_document.content)  # The content of the document is printed
    >>> manager.delete(your_document)
    >>> print(manager.get_docs_sorted_by_newest())  # The document is deleted

    :param folder_path: (str) The relative path of a folder
    :raises: TypeError: Invalid folder path type
    :raises: FileNotFoundError: The specified folder does not exist at the specified location

    TypesDealer.check_types('DocumentsManager.__init__', [(folder_path, str), (absolute_path, str)])
    full_path = os.path.join(absolute_path, folder_path)
    if os.path.exists(full_path) is False:
        raise FileNotFoundError(f"The specified folder does not exist at the specified location: '{full_path}'.")
    self.__folder_path = folder_path
    self.__absolute_path = absolute_path
    self.__docs = list()

Public functions


Return the folder path: the relative path to documents.

 >>> doc1 = DocumentsManager('test_folder')
 >>> print(doc1.get_folder_path())  # test_folder
  • (str) The folder path
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def get_folder_path(self) -> str:
    """Return the folder path: the relative path to documents.

        >>> doc1 = DocumentsManager('test_folder')
        >>> print(doc1.get_folder_path())  # test_folder

        :return: (str) The folder path

    return self.__folder_path


Return the folder path: the abosolute path to documents.

  • (str) The path to documents
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def get_absolute_folder_path(self) -> str:
    """Return the folder path: the abosolute path to documents.

        :return: (str) The path to documents

    return os.path.join(self.__absolute_path, self.__folder_path)


Collect all documents from the folder path.

 >>> manager = DocumentsManager('test_folder')
 >>> manager.collect_docs()
 >>> print([doc for doc in manager])
  • mutable: (bool) False to store only ImmutableDocument() instances instead of Document() instance ones
  • FileNotFoundError: The specified folder does not exist at the specified location
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def collect_docs(self, mutable: bool=True) -> None:
    """Collect all documents from the folder path.

        >>> manager = DocumentsManager('test_folder')
        >>> manager.collect_docs()
        >>> print([doc for doc in manager])

        :param mutable: (bool) False to store only ImmutableDocument() instances instead of Document() instance ones
        :raises: FileNotFoundError: The specified folder does not exist at the specified location

    if os.path.isdir(self.absolute_path) is False:
        raise IOError(f'The specified folder does not exist at the specified location: {self.absolute_path}')
    for folder_name in os.listdir(self.absolute_path):
        full_path = os.path.join(self.absolute_path, folder_name)
        if os.path.isdir(full_path) is True:
                description = self.__read_info(folder_name, ws.DESCRIPTION_FILENAME)
                d = self.__read_info(folder_name, ws.DOWNLOADS_FILENAME)
                downloads = 0 if len(d) == 0 else int(d)
                idoc = Document.create_document_by_folder_name(folder_name, description, downloads)
                if mutable is True:
            except Exception as e:
                logging.error(f'Failed to collect a document for folder {folder_name}: {e}')
    if len(self.__docs) > 0:
        logging.info(f'Collected {len(self.__docs)} documents in {self.absolute_path}')
        logging.info(f'No documents found in {self.absolute_path}.')


Clear the list of documents.

 >>> manager = DocumentsManager('test_folder')
 >>> manager.collect_docs()
 >>> manager.clear_docs()
 >>> print([doc for doc in manager])
 > []
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def clear_docs(self):
    """Clear the list of documents.

        >>> manager = DocumentsManager('test_folder')
        >>> manager.collect_docs()
        >>> manager.clear_docs()
        >>> print([doc for doc in manager])



Create and add a document to the list of documents.

 >>> doc1 = DocumentsManager('test_folder')
 >>> doc1.collect_docs()
 >>> # Assuming your_document is a document
 >>> doc1.add_doc(your_document)
 >>> print(doc1.is_in_docs(your_document))
 > True
  • author: (str) The document author
  • filename: (str) The document filename
  • kwargs: (dict) The keyword arguments to create the Document()
  • TypeError: Cant create the document
  • ValueError: Cant create the document
  • (ImmutableDocument) The created document
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def add(self, author: str, filename: str, **kwargs) -> ImmutableDocument:
    """Create and add a document to the list of documents.

        >>> doc1 = DocumentsManager('test_folder')
        >>> doc1.collect_docs()
        >>> # Assuming your_document is a document
        >>> doc1.add_doc(your_document)
        >>> print(doc1.is_in_docs(your_document))

        :param author: (str) The document author
        :param filename: (str) The document filename
        :param kwargs: (dict) The keyword arguments to create the Document()
        :raises: TypeError: Cant create the document
        :raises: ValueError: Cant create the document
        :return: (ImmutableDocument) The created document

    doc = Document(author, filename, **kwargs)
    return ImmutableDocument(author, filename, **kwargs)


Add a document to the list of documents.

 >>> doc1 = DocumentsManager('test_folder')
 >>> doc1.collect_docs()
 >>> # Assuming your_document is a document
 >>> doc1.add_doc(your_document)
 >>> print(doc1.is_in_docs(your_document)) # True
  • doc: (Document) The document to add
  • TypeError: Invalid document type
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def add_doc(self, doc: Document | ImmutableDocument) -> None:
    """Add a document to the list of documents.

        >>> doc1 = DocumentsManager('test_folder')
        >>> doc1.collect_docs()
        >>> # Assuming your_document is a document
        >>> doc1.add_doc(your_document)
        >>> print(doc1.is_in_docs(your_document)) # True

        :param doc: (Document) The document to add
        :raises: TypeError: Invalid document type

    TypesDealer.check_types('DocumentsManager.add_doc', [(doc, (Document, ImmutableDocument))])
    if isinstance(doc, ImmutableDocument) is True:
        doc = self.__immutable_to_document(doc)


Add a list of documents into the actual list of documents.

Do not add anything if any element in the list is incorrect.

 >>> manager = DocumentsManager('test_folder')
 >>> manager.collect_docs()
 >>> # Assuming doc1 and doc2 are Document() instances
 >>> manager.add_docs([doc1, doc2])
 >>> manager.is_in_docs(doc1))
 > True
  • docs: (list) The list of documents to add
  • TypeError: Invalid document type
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def add_docs(self, docs: list) -> None:
    """Add a list of documents into the actual list of documents.

        Do not add anything if any element in the list is incorrect.

        >>> manager = DocumentsManager('test_folder')
        >>> manager.collect_docs()
        >>> # Assuming doc1 and doc2 are Document() instances
        >>> manager.add_docs([doc1, doc2])
        >>> manager.is_in_docs(doc1))

        :param docs: (list) The list of documents to add
        :raises: TypeError: Invalid document type

    TypesDealer.check_types('DocumentsManager.add_docs', [(docs, (list, tuple))])
    for doc in docs:
        TypesDealer.check_types('DocumentsManager.add_doc', [(doc, (Document, ImmutableDocument))])
    for doc in docs:
        if isinstance(doc, ImmutableDocument) is True:
            doc = self.__immutable_to_document(doc)


Get documents sorted by date from the most recent to the oldest.

Return the list of ImmutableDocument() instances sorted from the most recent to the oldest.

 >>> doc1 = DocumentsManager('test_folder')
 >>> doc1.collect_docs()
 >>> sorted_docs = doc1.get_docs_sorted_by_newest()
 >>> for doc in sorted_docs:
 >>> print(doc)
 >>> # The documents are printed from the most recent to the oldest
  • (list) The list of sorted documents
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def get_docs_sorted_by_newest(self) -> list:
    """Get documents sorted by date from the most recent to the oldest.

        Return the list of ImmutableDocument() instances sorted
        from the most recent to the oldest.

        >>> doc1 = DocumentsManager('test_folder')
        >>> doc1.collect_docs()
        >>> sorted_docs = doc1.get_docs_sorted_by_newest()
        >>> for doc in sorted_docs:
        >>>     print(doc)
        >>> # The documents are printed from the most recent to the oldest

        :return: (list) The list of sorted documents

    sorted_docs = sorted(self.__docs, key=lambda doc: doc.date, reverse=True)
    return [doc.to_immutable() for doc in sorted_docs]


Get documents sorted by date from the oldest to the most recent.

Return the list of ImmutableDocument() instances sorted from the oldest to the most recent.

 >>> doc1 = DocumentsManager('test_folder')
 >>> doc1.collect_docs()
 >>> sorted_docs = doc1.get_docs_sorted_by_oldest()
 >>> # The documents are printed from the oldest to the most recent
 >>> for doc in sorted_docs:
 >>> print(doc)
  • (list) The list of sorted documents
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def get_docs_sorted_by_oldest(self) -> list:
    """Get documents sorted by date from the oldest to the most recent.

        Return the list of ImmutableDocument() instances sorted
        from the oldest to the most recent.

        >>> doc1 = DocumentsManager('test_folder')
        >>> doc1.collect_docs()
        >>> sorted_docs = doc1.get_docs_sorted_by_oldest()
        >>> # The documents are printed from the oldest to the most recent
        >>> for doc in sorted_docs:
        >>>     print(doc)

        :return: (list) The list of sorted documents

    sorted_docs = sorted(self.__docs, key=lambda doc: doc.date)
    return [doc.to_immutable() for doc in sorted_docs]


Get documents sorted by the number of views.

Return the list of ImmutableDocument() instances sorted from the most viewed to the least viewed.

 >>> doc1 = DocumentsManager('test_folder')
 >>> doc1.collect_docs()
 >>> sorted_docs = doc1.get_docs_by_most_viewed()
 >>> # The documents are printed from the most viewed to the least viewed
 >>> for doc in sorted_docs:
 >>> print(doc)
  • (list) The sorted list of documents
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def get_docs_sorted_by_most_viewed(self) -> list:
    """Get documents sorted by the number of views.

        Return the list of ImmutableDocument() instances sorted
        from the most viewed to the least viewed.

        >>> doc1 = DocumentsManager('test_folder')
        >>> doc1.collect_docs()
        >>> sorted_docs = doc1.get_docs_by_most_viewed()
        >>> # The documents are printed from the most viewed to the least viewed
        >>> for doc in sorted_docs:
        >>>     print(doc)

        :return: (list) The sorted list of documents

    sorted_docs = sorted(self.__docs, key=lambda doc: doc.downloads, reverse=True)
    return [doc.to_immutable() for doc in sorted_docs]


Get documents reversely sorted by the number of views.

Return the list of ImmutableDocument() instances sorted from the least viewed to the most viewed.

 >>> doc1 = DocumentsManager('test_folder')
 >>> doc1.collect_docs()
 >>> sorted_docs = doc1.get_docs_by_least_viewed()
 >>> for doc in sorted_docs:
 >>> print(doc)
  • (list) The list of sorted documents
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def get_docs_sorted_by_least_viewed(self) -> list:
    """Get documents reversely sorted by the number of views.

        Return the list of ImmutableDocument() instances sorted
        from the least viewed to the most viewed.

        >>> doc1 = DocumentsManager('test_folder')
        >>> doc1.collect_docs()
        >>> sorted_docs = doc1.get_docs_by_least_viewed()
        >>> for doc in sorted_docs:
        >>>     print(doc)

        :return: (list) The list of sorted documents

    sorted_docs = sorted(self.__docs, key=lambda doc: doc.downloads)
    return [doc.to_immutable() for doc in sorted_docs]


Return the list of documents matching the given filters.

Each filter is a tuple (filter function name, comparator name, [value1, value2, ...]). Applicable filter functions are "filename", "filetype", "author" and "date".

 >>> manager = DocumentsManager('test_folder')
 >>> manager.collect_docs()
 >>> # Get all documents of Brigitte Bigi
 >>> manager.filter_docs(("author", "iexact", ["Brigitte Bigi"]))
 >>> # Get all PDF or TXT documents of Brigitte Bigi
 >>> _docs = manager.filter_docs(("author", "iexact", ["Brigitte Bigi"]), ("filetype", "iexact", ["pdf", "txt"]), match_all=True)
 >>> # Get all PDF or TXT documents of Brigitte Bigi or John Doe
 >>> _fdocs = manager.filter_docs(("author", "iexact", ["Brigitte Bigi", "John Doe"]), ("filetype", "iexact", ["pdf", "txt"]), match_all=True)
  • filters: (list of tuple) List of filters to be applied on the documents.
  • match_all: (bool) If True, returned documents must match all the given criteria
  • out_filterset: (bool) If True, return the FilteredSet. If False, return a list of documents.
  • ValueError: If a malformed filter.
  • ValueError: If no value is provided in a filter.
  • TypeError: invalid type for match_all parameter -- if used only
  • (list|FilteredSet) The list of documents matching the given criteria
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def filter_docs(self, filters, match_all: bool=False, out_filterset: bool=False):
    """Return the list of documents matching the given filters.

        Each filter is a tuple (filter function name, comparator name, [value1, value2, ...]).
        Applicable filter functions are "filename", "filetype", "author" and "date".

        >>> manager = DocumentsManager('test_folder')
        >>> manager.collect_docs()
        >>> # Get all documents of Brigitte Bigi
        >>> manager.filter_docs(("author", "iexact", ["Brigitte Bigi"]))
        >>> # Get all PDF or TXT documents of Brigitte Bigi
        >>> _docs = manager.filter_docs(("author", "iexact", ["Brigitte Bigi"]), ("filetype", "iexact", ["pdf", "txt"]), match_all=True)
        >>> # Get all PDF or TXT documents of Brigitte Bigi or John Doe
        >>> _fdocs = manager.filter_docs(("author", "iexact", ["Brigitte Bigi", "John Doe"]), ("filetype", "iexact", ["pdf", "txt"]), match_all=True)

        :param filters: (list of tuple) List of filters to be applied on the documents.
        :param match_all: (bool) If True, returned documents must match all the given criteria
        :param out_filterset: (bool) If True, return the FilteredSet. If False, return a list of documents.
        :raises: ValueError: If a malformed filter.
        :raises: ValueError: If no value is provided in a filter.
        :raises: TypeError: invalid type for match_all parameter -- if used only
        :return: (list|FilteredSet) The list of documents matching the given criteria

    doc_filter = DocumentsFilters(self.__docs)
    filtered_sets = list()
    cast_filters = self.__cast_filters(filters)
    for f in cast_filters:
        value = f[2][0]
        logging.info(' >>> filter.{:s}({:s}={!s:s})'.format(f[0], f[1], value))
        files_set = getattr(doc_filter, f[0])(**{f[1]: value})
        for i in range(1, len(f[2])):
            value = doc_filter.cast_data(f[0], f[2][i])
            if 'not' in f[1]:
                logging.info(' >>>    & filter.{:s}({:s}={!s:s})'.format(f[0], f[1], value))
                files_set = files_set & getattr(doc_filter, f[0])(**{f[1]: value})
                logging.info(' >>>    | filter.{:s}({:s}={!s:s})'.format(f[0], f[1], value))
                files_set = files_set | getattr(doc_filter, f[0])(**{f[1]: value})
    if len(filtered_sets) == 0:
        return list()
    files_set = doc_filter.merge_data(filtered_sets, match_all)
    if out_filterset is True:
        return files_set
    return sorted(files_set, key=lambda doc: doc.date)


Return the full filename to get access to the document.

  • document: (Document | ImmutableDocument) The document to invalidate
  • (str) The full path of the document
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def get_doc_absolute_path(self, document: Document | ImmutableDocument) -> str:
    """Return the full filename to get access to the document.

        :param document: (Document | ImmutableDocument) The document to invalidate
        :return: (str) The full path of the document

    if len(self.__docs) == 0:
        raise AttributeError('DocumentsManager.invalidate_doc exception: No documents found. Please run collect_docs() first')
    TypesDealer.check_types('DocumentsManager.invalidate_doc', [(document, (Document, ImmutableDocument))])
    doc = self.__find_doc(document)
    if doc is not None:
        return os.path.join(self.__absolute_path, self.__folder_path, doc.folder_name, doc.filename + '.' + doc.filetype)
    return ''


Return the filename with a relative path to get access to the document.

  • document: (Document | ImmutableDocument) The document to invalidate
  • (str) The full path of the document
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def get_doc_relative_path(self, document: Document | ImmutableDocument) -> str:
    """Return the filename with a relative path to get access to the document.

        :param document: (Document | ImmutableDocument) The document to invalidate
        :return: (str) The full path of the document

    if len(self.__docs) == 0:
        raise AttributeError('DocumentsManager.invalidate_doc exception: No documents found. Please run collect_docs() first')
    TypesDealer.check_types('DocumentsManager.invalidate_doc', [(document, (Document, ImmutableDocument))])
    doc = self.__find_doc(document)
    if doc is not None:
        return os.path.join(self.__folder_path, doc.folder_name, doc.filename + '.' + doc.filetype)
    return ''


Delete a document of the disk and remove it of the managed ones.

 >>> doc1 = DocumentsManager('test_folder')
 >>> doc1.collect_docs()
 >>> # Assuming your_document is a document in the folder
 >>> doc1.invalidate_doc(your_document)
  • document: (Document | ImmutableDocument) The document to invalidate
  • ValueError: The document was not found
  • AttributeError: No documents found. Please run collect_docs() first
  • TypeError: Invalid document type
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def invalidate_doc(self, document: Document | ImmutableDocument) -> None:
    """Delete a document of the disk and remove it of the managed ones.

        >>> doc1 = DocumentsManager('test_folder')
        >>> doc1.collect_docs()
        >>> # Assuming your_document is a document in the folder
        >>> doc1.invalidate_doc(your_document)

        :param document: (Document | ImmutableDocument) The document to invalidate
        :raises: ValueError: The document was not found
        :raises: AttributeError: No documents found. Please run collect_docs() first
        :raises: TypeError: Invalid document type

    if len(self.__docs) == 0:
        raise AttributeError('DocumentsManager.invalidate_doc exception: No documents found. Please run collect_docs() first')
    TypesDealer.check_types('DocumentsManager.invalidate_doc', [(document, (Document, ImmutableDocument))])
    doc = self.__find_doc(document)
    if doc is not None:
        directory_path = os.path.join(self.__absolute_path, self.__folder_path, doc.folder_name)
            logging.info(f'Directory {directory_path} deleted.')
        except Exception as e:
            logging.error(f'Directory {directory_path} not deleted: {e}')
        raise ValueError(f'DocumentsManager.invalidate_doc exception: Document {document.filename} not found.')


Set and save a description for a document.

 >>> doc1 = DocumentsManager('test_folder')
 >>> doc1.collect_docs()
 >>> doc1.set_doc_description(your_document, "This is a description")
  • document: (Document | ImmutableDocument) The document
  • description: (str) The description to set
  • AttributeError: No documents found. Please run collect_docs() first
  • TypeError: Invalid document type
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def set_doc_description(self, document: Document | ImmutableDocument, description: str):
    """Set and save a description for a document.

        >>> doc1 = DocumentsManager('test_folder')
        >>> doc1.collect_docs()
        >>> doc1.set_doc_description(your_document, "This is a description")

        :param document: (Document | ImmutableDocument) The document
        :param description: (str) The description to set
        :raises: AttributeError: No documents found. Please run collect_docs() first
        :raises: TypeError: Invalid document type

    if len(self.__docs) == 0:
        raise AttributeError('DocumentsManager.set_description exception: No documents found. collect_docs() should be called first.')
    TypesDealer.check_types('DocumentsManager.delete', [(document, (Document, ImmutableDocument))])
    doc = self.__find_doc(document)
    if doc is not None:
        if isinstance(doc, ImmutableDocument) is True:
            raise ValueError('Attempted to set description of an immutable document.')
        doc.description = description
        raise AttributeError(f'DocumentsManager.set_description exception: Document {document.filename} not found.')


Increment the number of downloads of a document.

 >>> doc1 = DocumentsManager('test_folder')
 >>> doc1.collect_docs()
 >>> doc1.increment_doc_downloads(your_document)
  • document: (Document | ImmutableDocument) The document
  • AttributeError: Document not found.
  • TypeError: Invalid document type
  • (int) New number of donwloads
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def increment_doc_downloads(self, document: Document | ImmutableDocument) -> int:
    """Increment the number of downloads of a document.

        >>> doc1 = DocumentsManager('test_folder')
        >>> doc1.collect_docs()
        >>> doc1.increment_doc_downloads(your_document)

        :param document: (Document | ImmutableDocument) The document
        :raises: AttributeError: Document not found.
        :raises: TypeError: Invalid document type
        :return: (int) New number of donwloads

    if len(self.__docs) == 0:
        raise AttributeError('DocumentsManager.increment_doc_downloads exception: Document not found. ')
    TypesDealer.check_types('DocumentsManager.increment_doc_downloads', [(document, (Document, ImmutableDocument))])
    doc = self.__find_doc(document)
    if doc is None:
        raise AttributeError(f'DocumentsManager.increment_doc_downloads exception: Document {document.filename} not found.')
    if isinstance(doc, ImmutableDocument) is True:
        raise TypeError('Attempted to increment downloads of an immutable document.')
    nb = doc.increment_downloads()
    return nb


Save a document.

 >>> doc1 = DocumentsManager('test_folder')
 >>> doc1.collect_docs()
 >>> # You can save the document in a different folder
 >>> doc1.save_doc(your_document, 'new_folder')
 >>> # Or in the folder with the DocumentsManager was initialized
 >>> doc1.save_doc(your_document)
  • document: (Document | ImmutableDocument) The document
  • TypeError: Invalid document type or folder path type
  • (bool) Success
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def save_doc(self, document: Document | ImmutableDocument):
    """Save a document.

        >>> doc1 = DocumentsManager('test_folder')
        >>> doc1.collect_docs()
        >>> # You can save the document in a different folder
        >>> doc1.save_doc(your_document, 'new_folder')
        >>> # Or in the folder with the DocumentsManager was initialized
        >>> doc1.save_doc(your_document)

        :param document: (Document | ImmutableDocument) The document
        :raises: TypeError: Invalid document type or folder path type
        :return: (bool) Success

    folder_path = os.path.join(self.__absolute_path, self.__folder_path, document.folder_name)
    os.makedirs(folder_path, exist_ok=True)
    logging.debug('Created folder: {}'.format(os.path.join(self.__absolute_path, self.__folder_path, document.folder_name)))
    file_path = self.get_doc_absolute_path(document)
        if isinstance(document.content, (bytes, bytearray)) is True:
            with open(file_path, 'wb') as fp:
            with codecs.open(file_path, 'w', 'utf-8') as fp:
        if os.path.exists(file_path) is True:


Get the content of a document.

 >>> doc1 = DocumentsManager('test_folder')
 >>> doc1.collect_docs()
 >>> # Assuming your_document is a document in the folder
 >>> doc1.get_doc_content(your_document)
 >>> print(your_document.content)
  • document: (Document|ImmutableDocument) The document
  • FileNotFoundError: The file was not found
  • AttributeError: No documents found. Please run collect_docs() first
  • TypeError: Invalid document type
  • (str|bytes|None) The content of the document
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def get_doc_content(self, document: Document | ImmutableDocument) -> str | bytes:
    """Get the content of a document.

        >>> doc1 = DocumentsManager('test_folder')
        >>> doc1.collect_docs()
        >>> # Assuming your_document is a document in the folder
        >>> doc1.get_doc_content(your_document)
        >>> print(your_document.content)

        :param document: (Document|ImmutableDocument) The document
        :raises: FileNotFoundError: The file was not found
        :raises: AttributeError: No documents found. Please run collect_docs() first
        :raises: TypeError: Invalid document type
        :return: (str|bytes|None) The content of the document

    if len(self.__docs) == 0:
        raise AttributeError('DocumentsManager.get_doc_content exception: No documents found. collect_docs() should be called first.')
    TypesDealer.check_types('DocumentsManager.get_doc_content', [(document, Document)])
    doc = self.__find_doc(document)
    content = ''
    if doc is not None:
        if len(doc.content) == 0:
            file_path = self.get_doc_absolute_path(doc)
            if os.path.exists(file_path) is True:
                with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
                    content = file.read()
                doc.content = content
                logging.error(f'DocumentsManager.get_doc_content error: Document file path {file_path} not found. ')
            content = doc.content
        logging.error(f'DocumentsManager.get_doc_content error: Document {document.filename} not found. ')
    return content


Get the description of a document.

 >>> doc1 = DocumentsManager('test_folder')
 >>> doc1.collect_docs()
 >>> # Assuming your_document is a document in the folder
 >>> doc1.get_doc_description(your_document)
 >>> print(your_document.description)
  • document: (Document | ImmutableDocument) The document
  • FileNotFoundError: The file was not found
  • AttributeError: No documents found. Please run collect_docs() first
  • TypeError: Invalid document type
  • (str|None) The description of the document
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def get_doc_description(self, document: Document | ImmutableDocument) -> str | None:
    """Get the description of a document.

        >>> doc1 = DocumentsManager('test_folder')
        >>> doc1.collect_docs()
        >>> # Assuming your_document is a document in the folder
        >>> doc1.get_doc_description(your_document)
        >>> print(your_document.description)

        :param document: (Document | ImmutableDocument) The document
        :raises: FileNotFoundError: The file was not found
        :raises: AttributeError: No documents found. Please run collect_docs() first
        :raises: TypeError: Invalid document type
        :return: (str|None) The description of the document

    if len(self.__docs) == 0:
        raise AttributeError('DocumentsManager.get_doc_description exception: No documents found. collect_docs() should be called first.')
    TypesDealer.check_types('DocumentsManager.get_doc_description', [(document, (Document, ImmutableDocument))])
    doc = self.__find_doc(document)
    if doc is not None:
        return doc.description
    raise ValueError(f'DocumentsManager.get_doc_description exception: Document {document.filename} not found.')

Protected functions


Return the content of the given file in the given folder.

  • folder_name
  • fn
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def __read_info(self, folder_name: str, fn: str) -> str:
    """Return the content of the given file in the given folder."""
    info = ''
    file_path = os.path.join(self.__absolute_path, self.__folder_path, folder_name, fn)
    if os.path.exists(file_path) is True:
        with codecs.open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
            info = file.read().strip()
    return info


Save description into its file.

  • document: (Document | ImmutableDocument) The document
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def __save_description(self, document: Document | ImmutableDocument):
    """Save description into its file.

        :param document: (Document | ImmutableDocument) The document

    self.__save_info(document.folder_name, ws.DESCRIPTION_FILENAME, document.description)


Save downloads into its file.

  • document: (Document | ImmutableDocument) The document
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def __save_downloads(self, document: Document | ImmutableDocument):
    """Save downloads into its file.

        :param document: (Document | ImmutableDocument) The document

    self.__save_info(document.folder_name, ws.DOWNLOADS_FILENAME, str(document.downloads))


Save the content into the given file of the specified folder.

  • folder_name
  • filename
  • content
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def __save_info(self, folder_name, filename, content):
    """Save the content into the given file of the specified folder.

    directory_path = os.path.join(self.__absolute_path, self.__folder_path, folder_name)
    if os.path.exists(directory_path) is False:
        raise FileNotFoundError(f'The directory {directory_path} does not exist.')
        destination = os.path.join(directory_path, filename)
        with codecs.open(destination, 'w', 'utf-8') as file:
        logging.debug(f'Saved information into file: {destination}')
    except Exception as e:
        raise Exception(f'Information of document {folder_name} not saved: {e}')


Search for a document in the list of stored documents.

Find the instance of Document which is matching the given document in the list of stored docs.i If it finds a matching document, it returns the document instance; otherwise, it returns None.

  • document: (Document | ImmutableDocument) The document to find
  • (Document | None) The document found or None if not found or invalid
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def __find_doc(self, document: Document | ImmutableDocument) -> Document | None:
    """Search for a document in the list of stored documents.

         Find the instance of Document which is matching the given document
         in the list of stored docs.i If it finds a matching document, it
         returns the document instance; otherwise, it returns None.

        :param document: (Document | ImmutableDocument) The document to find
        :return: (Document | None) The document found or None if not found or invalid

    return next((doc for doc in self.__docs if doc == document), None)


Convert an ImmutableDocument into a Document.

  • idoc
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def __immutable_to_document(idoc: ImmutableDocument) -> Document:
    """Convert an ImmutableDocument into a Document."""
    return Document(idoc.author, idoc.filename + '.' + idoc.filetype, idoc.date, content=idoc.content, description=idoc.description, downloads=idoc.downloads)


Return the value-typed of given filters.

  • filters: (list of tuple) List of filters to be applied on the documents.
  • ValueError: If a malformed filter.
  • ValueError: If an invalid field is provided in a filter.
  • (list of tuple) List of filters to be applied on the documents with typed values.
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def __cast_filters(self, filters: list) -> list:
    """Return the value-typed of given filters.

        :param filters: (list of tuple) List of filters to be applied on the documents.
        :raises: ValueError: If a malformed filter.
        :raises: ValueError: If an invalid field is provided in a filter.
        :return: (list of tuple) List of filters to be applied on the documents with typed values.

    cast_filters = list()
    doc_filter = DocumentsFilters(self.__docs)
    for f in filters:
        if isinstance(f, (list, tuple)) and len(f) == 3:
            if None in f or any((len(f[i]) == 0 for i in range(len(f)))):
                raise ValueError('Invalid field defined for filter {:s}'.format(str(f)))
            casted_values = list()
            for value in f[2]:
                casted_values.append(doc_filter.cast_data(f[0], value))
            cast_filters.append((f[0], f[1], casted_values))
            raise ValueError('Filter must have 3 arguments: function, comparator, value.Got {:d} instead.'.format(len(f)))
    return cast_filters



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def __len__(self):
    return len(self.__docs)


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def __iter__(self):
    for doc in self.__docs:
        yield doc.to_immutable()


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def __contains__(self, document):
    if isinstance(document, (Document, ImmutableDocument)) is False:
        return False
    for doc in self.__docs:
        if doc == document:
            return True
    return False