WhintPy 1.1


Module whintpy.deposit

Class DocumentsFilters


Filter system for files.

 >>> # Create a filter:
 >>> f = DocumentsFilters(FilesList)

Then, apply a filter with some pattern like in the following examples. The result can be combined with operators & and |, like for any other 'set' in Python, 'an unordered collection of distinct hashable objects'.

Four different filters can be applied: 1. author (str) 2. date (datetime.date or datetime.datetime) 3. filename (str) 4. filetype (str)

 >>> # folder name indicates author is "toto"
 >>> f.author(exact='toto')
 >>> # folder date indicates date is between 2022 and 2024
 >>> f.date(gt=(2024,3,12)) & f.date(lt=(2024,5,1))
 >>> # It's equivalent to write - the latter is faster:
 >>> f.date(gt=(2024,3,12), lt=(2024,5,1), logic_bool="and")
 >>> # author is toto and date is after or equal 2024
 >>> f.author(exact='toto') & f.date(ge=(2024,1,1)) & f.filetype(exact='pptx')

The classical "and" and "or" logical boolean predicates are accepted; "and" is the default one. It defines whether all the functions must be True ("and") or any of them ("or").


Create a DocumentsFilters instance.

The given object must have the 4 following attributes: 1. author (str) 2. date (datetime.date or datetime.datetime) 3. filename (str) 4. filetype (str) 5. description (str)

  • obj: (any) The object to be filtered.
  • TypeError: Invalid given object
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def __init__(self, obj):
    """Create a DocumentsFilters instance.

    The given object must have the 4 following attributes:
    1. author (str)
    2. date (datetime.date or datetime.datetime)
    3. filename (str)
    4. filetype (str)
    5. description (str)

    :param obj: (any) The object to be filtered.
    :raises: TypeError: Invalid given object

    if isinstance(obj, list) is False:
        raise TypeError('Expected a list of files. Got {} instead.'.format(type(obj)))
    super(DocumentsFilters, self).__init__(obj)
    if len(obj) > 0:
            for item in self._obj:
        except AttributeError as e:
            raise TypeError('Invalid given object: {}'.format(e))

Public functions


Apply functions on all items of the object to filter on the author.

Each argument is made of a function name and its expected value. Each function can be prefixed with 'not_', like in the next example.

 >>> f = DocumentsFilters(list(FilesObject))
 >>> f.author(startswith="pa", not_endswith='a', logic_bool="and")
 >>> f.author(startswith="pa") & f.author(not_endswith='a')
 >>> f.author(startswith="pa") | f.author(startswith="ta")
  • kwargs: logic_bool/any StringComparator() method.
  • (FilterSet) Filter set.
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def author(self, **kwargs) -> FilteredSet:
    """Apply functions on all items of the object to filter on the author.

        Each argument is made of a function name and its expected value.
        Each function can be prefixed with 'not_', like in the next example.

        >>> f = DocumentsFilters(list(FilesObject))
        >>> f.author(startswith="pa", not_endswith='a', logic_bool="and")
        >>> f.author(startswith="pa") & f.author(not_endswith='a')
        >>> f.author(startswith="pa") | f.author(startswith="ta")

        :param kwargs: logic_bool/any StringComparator() method.
        :return: (FilterSet) Filter set.

    comparator = StringComparator()
    BaseFilters.test_args(comparator, **kwargs)
    logic_bool = BaseFilters.fix_logic_bool(**kwargs)
    string_functions = BaseFilters.fix_functions(comparator, **kwargs)
    data = FilteredSet()
    for item in self._obj:
        is_matching = StringComparator.match(item.author, string_functions, logic_bool)
        if is_matching is True:
    return data


Apply functions on all items of the object to filter on the filename.

Each argument is made of a function name and its expected value. Each function can be prefixed with 'not_', like in the next example.

 >>> f = DocumentsFilters(list(FilesObject))
 >>> f.filename(startswith="pa", not_endswith='a', logic_bool="and")
 >>> f.filename(startswith="pa") & f.author(not_endswith='a')
 >>> f.filename(startswith="pa") | f.author(startswith="ta")
  • kwargs: logic_bool/any StringComparator() method.
  • (FilterSet) Filter set.
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def filename(self, **kwargs) -> FilteredSet:
    """Apply functions on all items of the object to filter on the filename.

        Each argument is made of a function name and its expected value.
        Each function can be prefixed with 'not_', like in the next example.

        >>> f = DocumentsFilters(list(FilesObject))
        >>> f.filename(startswith="pa", not_endswith='a', logic_bool="and")
        >>> f.filename(startswith="pa") & f.author(not_endswith='a')
        >>> f.filename(startswith="pa") | f.author(startswith="ta")

        :param kwargs: logic_bool/any StringComparator() method.
        :return: (FilterSet) Filter set.

    comparator = StringComparator()
    BaseFilters.test_args(comparator, **kwargs)
    logic_bool = BaseFilters.fix_logic_bool(**kwargs)
    string_functions = BaseFilters.fix_functions(comparator, **kwargs)
    data = FilteredSet()
    for item in self._obj:
        is_matching = StringComparator.match(item.filename, string_functions, logic_bool)
        if is_matching is True:
    return data


Apply functions on all items of the object to filter on the filetype.

Each argument is made of a function name and its expected value. Each function can be prefixed with 'not_', like in the next example.

 >>> f = DocumentsFilters(list(FilesObject))
 >>> f.filetype(startswith="t", not_endswith='t', logic_bool="and")
 >>> f.filetype(startswith="ppt") & f.filetype(not_endswith='x')
 >>> f.filetype(startswith="ppt") | f.filetype(startswith="doc")
  • kwargs: logic_bool/any StringComparator() method.
  • (FilterSet) Filter set.
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def filetype(self, **kwargs) -> FilteredSet:
    """Apply functions on all items of the object to filter on the filetype.

        Each argument is made of a function name and its expected value.
        Each function can be prefixed with 'not_', like in the next example.

        >>> f = DocumentsFilters(list(FilesObject))
        >>> f.filetype(startswith="t", not_endswith='t', logic_bool="and")
        >>> f.filetype(startswith="ppt") & f.filetype(not_endswith='x')
        >>> f.filetype(startswith="ppt") | f.filetype(startswith="doc")

        :param kwargs: logic_bool/any StringComparator() method.
        :return: (FilterSet) Filter set.

    comparator = StringComparator()
    BaseFilters.test_args(comparator, **kwargs)
    logic_bool = BaseFilters.fix_logic_bool(**kwargs)
    string_functions = BaseFilters.fix_functions(comparator, **kwargs)
    data = FilteredSet()
    for item in self._obj:
        is_matching = StringComparator.match(item.filetype, string_functions, logic_bool)
        if is_matching is True:
    return data


Apply functions on all items of the object.

Each argument is made of a function name and its expected value. Each function can be prefixed with 'not_', like in the next example.

  • kwargs: logic_bool/any StringComparator() method.
  • (FilterSet) Filter set.
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def date(self, **kwargs) -> FilteredSet:
    """Apply functions on all items of the object.

        Each argument is made of a function name and its expected value.
        Each function can be prefixed with 'not_', like in the next example.

        :param kwargs: logic_bool/any StringComparator() method.
        :return: (FilterSet) Filter set.

    comparator = DatetimeComparator()
    BaseFilters.test_args(comparator, **kwargs)
    logic_bool = BaseFilters.fix_logic_bool(**kwargs)
    date_functions = BaseFilters.fix_functions(comparator, **kwargs)
    data = FilteredSet()
    for item in self._obj:
        is_matching = DatetimeComparator.match(item.date, date_functions, logic_bool)
        if is_matching is True:
    return data


Apply functions on all items of the object to filter on the description.

Each argument is made of a function name and its expected value. Each function can be prefixed with 'not_', like in the next example.

 >>> f = DocumentsFilters(list(FilesObject))
 >>> f.description(startswith="pa", not_endswith='a', logic_bool="and")
 >>> f.description(startswith="pa") & f.description(not_endswith='a')
 >>> f.description(startswith="pa") | f.description(startswith="ta")
  • kwargs: logic_bool/any StringComparator() method.
  • (FilterSet) Filter set.
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def description(self, **kwargs) -> FilteredSet:
    """Apply functions on all items of the object to filter on the description.

        Each argument is made of a function name and its expected value.
        Each function can be prefixed with 'not_', like in the next example.

        >>> f = DocumentsFilters(list(FilesObject))
        >>> f.description(startswith="pa", not_endswith='a', logic_bool="and")
        >>> f.description(startswith="pa") & f.description(not_endswith='a')
        >>> f.description(startswith="pa") | f.description(startswith="ta")

        :param kwargs: logic_bool/any StringComparator() method.
        :return: (FilterSet) Filter set.

    comparator = StringComparator()
    BaseFilters.test_args(comparator, **kwargs)
    logic_bool = BaseFilters.fix_logic_bool(**kwargs)
    string_functions = BaseFilters.fix_functions(comparator, **kwargs)
    data = FilteredSet()
    for item in self._obj:
        is_matching = StringComparator.match(item.description, string_functions, logic_bool)
        if is_matching is True:
    return data


Return the entry into the appropriate type.

  • filter_fct: (str) Name of the filter (filename, date, ...)
  • entry: (any) The entry to cast
  • typed entry
  • KeyError: if filter_fct is unknown
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def cast_data(filter_fct: str, entry: str):
    """Return the entry into the appropriate type.

        :param filter_fct: (str) Name of the filter (filename, date, ...)
        :param entry: (any) The entry to cast
        :return: typed entry
        :raises: KeyError: if filter_fct is unknown

    if filter_fct == 'date':
        return DocumentUtils.str_to_date(entry)
    elif filter_fct == 'filetype':
        return DocumentUtils.format_filetype(entry)
    elif filter_fct == 'filename':
        return DocumentUtils.format_filename(entry)
    elif filter_fct == 'author':
        return DocumentUtils.format_author(entry)
    elif filter_fct == 'description':
        return DocumentUtils.format_description(entry)
        raise KeyError('Unknown filter function {:s}.'.format(filter_fct))


Return merged filtered data sets.

If matchall is False (the default), the operator '|' is applied between the given filters: it's the *union* of all filtered sets. If matchall is True, the operator '&' is applied between the given filters: it's the intersection of all filtered sets.

 >>> fs1 = FilteredSet()
 >>> fs2 = FilteredSet()
 >>> fs3 = FilteredSet()
 >>> fs1.append("data1")
 >>> fs2.append("data2")
 >>> fs2.append("data1")
 >>> fs3.append("data3")
 >>> fs3.append("data1")
 >>> DocumentsFilters.merge_data([fs1, fs2, fs3], match_all=False)
 > ['data1', 'data2', 'data3']
 >>> DocumentsFilters.merge_data([fs1, fs2, fs3], match_all=True)
 > ['data1']
  • filtered_sets: (list) List of filtered data sets.
  • match_all: (bool) If True, returned files must match all the given filters
  • TypeError: invalid parameter
  • (FilteredSet)
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def merge_data(filtered_sets: list, match_all: bool=False) -> FilteredSet:
    """Return merged filtered data sets.

        If match_all is False (the default), the operator '|' is applied
        between the given filters: it's the *union* of all filtered sets.
        If match_all is True, the operator '&' is applied between the given
        filters: it's the *intersection* of all filtered sets.

        >>> fs1 = FilteredSet()
        >>> fs2 = FilteredSet()
        >>> fs3 = FilteredSet()
        >>> fs1.append("data1")
        >>> fs2.append("data2")
        >>> fs2.append("data1")
        >>> fs3.append("data3")
        >>> fs3.append("data1")
        >>> DocumentsFilters.merge_data([fs1, fs2, fs3], match_all=False)
        ['data1', 'data2', 'data3']
        >>> DocumentsFilters.merge_data([fs1, fs2, fs3], match_all=True)

        :param filtered_sets: (list) List of filtered data sets.
        :param match_all: (bool) If True, returned files must match all the given filters
        :raises: TypeError: invalid parameter
        :return: (FilteredSet)

    if len(filtered_sets) == 0:
        return FilteredSet()
    for i in range(len(filtered_sets)):
        if isinstance(filtered_sets[i], FilteredSet) is False:
            raise TypeError('Expected a FilteredSet. Got {:s} instead'.format(str(type(filtered_sets[i]))))
    if len(filtered_sets) == 1:
        return filtered_sets[0]
    if isinstance(match_all, bool) is False:
        raise TypeError("Expected a boolean for the match function {:s}. Got '{:s}' instead.".format(str(match_all), str(type(match_all))))
    files_set = filtered_sets[0]
    if match_all is True:
        for i in range(1, len(filtered_sets)):
            files_set = files_set & filtered_sets[i]
            if len(files_set) == 0:
        for i in range(1, len(filtered_sets)):
            files_set = files_set | filtered_sets[i]
    return files_set