WhintPy 1.1


Module whintpy.connection

Class Connection


Manage multiple authentication methods.

This class supports dynamically adding and using different authentication methods. The Connection class is used to manage the authentication methods and to authenticate a user.

 >>> connection = Connection()
 >>> # Enable a method without id
 >>> connection.enable_method("ldap", True, "test.dom")
 >>> # Enable a method with id
 >>> connection.enable_method("ldap", True, "cert", id="example_id_ldap")
 >>> # Authenticate a user using the enabled methods
 >>> connection.connect("ldap", "test", "test")
 >>> # Disable a method
 >>> connection.enable_method("ldap", True, "cert", id="example_id_ldap")
 >>> # Get the list of enabled methods
 >>> connection.get_methods_ids()
 > ['ldap_id', 'certificate_id']
 >>> # Get the authentication method by its name
 >>> connection.get_authentication_method_by_name("ldap")


Create a Connection instance.

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def __init__(self):
    """Create a Connection instance."""
    self.__enabled_methods = []
    self.__auth_methods = Authentication()

Public functions


Raise TypeError if the given parameter is not a string.

  • s: (str) A string to be checked.
  • TypeError: the given parameter is not a string.
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def check_string(s: str) -> None:
    """Raise TypeError if the given parameter is not a string.

        :param s: (str) A string to be checked.
        :raises: TypeError: the given parameter is not a string.

    if isinstance(s, str) is False:
        raise TypeError('Expected a string. Got {} instead.'.format(type(s)))


Raise TypeError if the given parameter is not a bool.

  • b: (bool) A boolean to be checked.
  • TypeError: the given parameter is not a boolean.
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def check_bool(b: bool) -> None:
    """Raise TypeError if the given parameter is not a bool.

        :param b: (bool) A boolean to be checked.
        :raises: TypeError: the given parameter is not a boolean.

    if isinstance(b, bool) is False:
        raise TypeError('Expected a bool. Got {} instead.'.format(type(b)))


Get the list of enabled authentication method names.

  • (list) the list of enabled authentication method names
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def get_methods_names(self) -> list:
    """Get the list of enabled authentication method names.

        :return: (list) the list of enabled authentication method names

    return list(set([m.name() for m in self.__enabled_methods]))


Get the list of enabled authentication methods.

  • (list) the list of enabled authentication method identifiers
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def get_methods_ids(self) -> list:
    """Get the list of enabled authentication methods.

        :return: (list) the list of enabled authentication method identifiers

    return [m.get_method_id() for m in self.__enabled_methods if m.get_method_id() is not None]


Get an authentication method by its name.

  • name: (str) the name of the method
  • KeyError: the method is not found
  • TypeError: the name is not a string
  • (obj) the authentication class
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def get_authentication_method_by_name(self, name: str) -> object:
    """Get an authentication method by its name.

        :param name: (str) the name of the method
        :raises: KeyError: the method is not found
        :raises: TypeError: the name is not a string
        :return: (obj) the authentication class

    for method in self.__enabled_methods:
        if method.name() == name:
            return method
    raise KeyError(f"Connection.get_authentication_method_by_name: No authentication method found with name '{name}'.")


Get the authentication method by its id.

  • auth_id: (str) the id of the method
  • KeyError: the method is not found
  • TypeError: the given id is not a string
  • (obj) the authentication class
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def get_authentication_method_by_id(self, auth_id: str) -> object:
    """Get the authentication method by its id.

        :param auth_id: (str) the id of the method
        :raises: KeyError: the method is not found
        :raises: TypeError: the given id is not a string
        :return: (obj) the authentication class

    for method in self.__enabled_methods:
        if method.get_method_id() == auth_id:
            return method
    raise KeyError(f"Connection.get_authentication_method_by_id: No authentication method found with id '{auth_id}'.")


Enable or disable an authentication method.

It is allowed to enable as many different authentication methods as possible. However, it is not allowed to enable the same method multiple times, except if the authentication instances have different identifiers.

  • name: (str) the name of the method to add or remove
  • value: (bool) if the method is enabled or not
  • args: (list) the arguments of the method
  • kwargs: (dict) the keywords arguments of the method
  • TypeError: the method is not a string
  • TypeError: the value is not a boolean
  • KeyError: unknown method name
  • (bool) if enabled or disabled
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def enable_method(self, name: str, value: bool, *args, **kwargs) -> bool:
    """Enable or disable an authentication method.

        It is allowed to enable as many different authentication methods as possible.
        However, it is not allowed to enable the same method multiple times, except
        if the authentication instances have different identifiers.

        :param name: (str) the name of the method to add or remove
        :param value: (bool) if the method is enabled or not
        :param args: (list) the arguments of the method
        :param kwargs: (dict) the keywords arguments of the method
        :raises: TypeError: the method is not a string
        :raises: TypeError: the value is not a boolean
        :raises: KeyError: unknown method name
        :return: (bool) if enabled or disabled

    method_id = None
    if 'method_id' in kwargs:
        method_id = kwargs['method_id']
    if value is True:
        return self.__enable(name, method_id, *args, **kwargs)
        return self.__disable(name, method_id)


Authenticate a user using the specified method.

  • name: (str) the method to use for authentication
  • args: the credentials required by the authentication method
  • kwargs: the id of the method if it is needed
  • TypeError: the name is not a string
  • TypeError: the args are not a tuple
  • ValueError: the method is not configured
  • (bool) Authentication success or failure
 >>> connection = Connection()
 >>> connection.enable_method(JwtAuthentication.name(), True, "secret_key", method_id="example_id")
 >>> connection.get_authentication_method_by_id("example_id").generate_token("test")
 >>> connection.connect(JwtAuthentication.name(), "test", method_id="example_id")

TODO: re-write this method to turn it into something humanly understandable, and test it.

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def connect(self, name: str, *args, **kwargs) -> tuple[bool, str]:
    """Authenticate a user using the specified method.

        :param name: (str) the method to use for authentication
        :param args: the credentials required by the authentication method
        :param kwargs: the id of the method if it is needed
        :raises: TypeError: the name is not a string
        :raises: TypeError: the args are not a tuple
        :raises: ValueError: the method is not configured
        :return: (bool) Authentication success or failure

        >>> connection = Connection()
        >>> connection.enable_method(JwtAuthentication.name(), True, "secret_key", method_id="example_id")
        >>> connection.get_authentication_method_by_id("example_id").generate_token("test")
        >>> connection.connect(JwtAuthentication.name(), "test", method_id="example_id")

        TODO: re-write this method to turn it into something humanly understandable, and test it.

    method_id = None
    if 'method_id' in kwargs:
        method_id = kwargs['method_id']
    if isinstance(args, tuple) is False:
        raise TypeError(f"Connection.connect: Expected a tuple for 'credentials', but received '{type(args).__name__}'.")
    for credential in args:
        if isinstance(credential, str) is False:
            raise TypeError(f"Connection.connect: Expected a tuple of string for 'credentials', but received a '{type(credential).__name__}'. in the tuple.")
    for auth in self.__enabled_methods:
        if auth.name() == name and (method_id is None or auth.get_method_id() == method_id):
            return auth.authenticate(*args)
    raise ValueError(f"Connection.connect: Cannot authenticate using '{name}'. The method is not available or not configured.")

Protected functions


Enable an authentication method.

  • name: (str) the name of the method to add
  • method_id: (str | None) Method identifier
  • args: (dict) the arguments of the credentials depends on the method
  • kwargs: (dict) the arguments of the credentials depends on the method
  • TypeError: the method is not a string
  • TypeError: the value is not a boolean
  • KeyError: unknown method name
  • (bool) whether the authentication method has been enabled or not
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def __enable(self, name: str, method_id: str | None, *args, **kwargs) -> bool:
    """Enable an authentication method.

        :param name: (str) the name of the method to add
        :param method_id: (str | None) Method identifier
        :param args: (dict) the arguments of the credentials depends on the method
        :param kwargs: (dict) the arguments of the credentials depends on the method
        :raises: TypeError: the method is not a string
        :raises: TypeError: the value is not a boolean
        :raises: KeyError: unknown method name
        :return: (bool) whether the authentication method has been enabled or not

    if method_id is not None:
        for m in self.__enabled_methods:
            if m.get_method_id() == method_id:
                logging.info(f"Authentication method with identifier '{method_id}' is already enabled.")
                return False
        for m in self.__enabled_methods:
            if m.name() == name and m.get_method_id() is None:
                logging.info(f"Authentication method with name '{name}' is already enabled. ")
                return False
    auth = self.__auth_methods.get_auth_class(name)(*args, method_id=method_id, **kwargs)
    if auth.available is True:
    return auth.available


Disable an authentication method from its name or identifier.

  • name: (str) the name of the method to remove
  • method_id: (str | None) Method identifier
  • TypeError: the method is not a string
  • TypeError: the value is not a boolean
  • KeyError: unknown method name
  • (bool) whether the authentication method has been enabled or not
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def __disable(self, name: str, method_id: str | None) -> bool:
    """Disable an authentication method from its name or identifier.

        :param name: (str) the name of the method to remove
        :param method_id: (str | None) Method identifier
        :raises: TypeError: the method is not a string
        :raises: TypeError: the value is not a boolean
        :raises: KeyError: unknown method name
        :return: (bool) whether the authentication method has been enabled or not

    for auth in self.__enabled_methods:
        if auth.name() == name:
            if method_id is None or (method_id is not None and auth.get_method_id() == method_id):
                return True
    logging.info(f"None of the enabled authentication methods are matching both name '{name}' and id '{method_id}'.")
    return False



Return the informal string representation of the class.

  • (str) The informal string representation
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def __str__(self):
    """Return the informal string representation of the class.

        :return: (str) The informal string representation

    return f'Connection({self.__enabled_methods})'


Return the official string representation of the class.

  • (str) The official string representation
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def __repr__(self):
    """Return the official string representation of the class.

        :return: (str) The official string representation

    enabled_methods_repr = ', '.join(["(name: '{}', id: '{}', args: {})".format(method.name(), method.get_method_id(), method.get_args()) for method in self.__enabled_methods])
    return 'Connection({})'.format(enabled_methods_repr)